sivan: gemini season & full moon in sagittarius

now one cycle since the lunar eclipse in scorpio, the sagittarius full moon greets us tomorrow like summer sun breaking over the horizon. this gemini season full moon dawns and stretches us into the warming, exuberant axis of gemini & sagittarius; an axis of knowledge, play, curiosity, truth, communication, and the profound desire to understand.

sister signs are two sides of the same coin; energies that mirror, reflect, teach, & challenge one another in growth. gemini & sagittarius- mutable air & fire- draw our attention to the beauty of mutability- defined in the dictionary as "liability or tendency to change.” along with virgo & pisces, gemini & sagittarius are mutable shapeshifters weaving through changes and seasons. they thread excitement through tapestries of movement, and shift with flexibility across solstice seasons- feeding & reviving each other like summer sweetly unfolding, or air breathing life into fire.

this full moon falls in the jewish month of sivan, encompassing both gemini & cancer season.

synchronous with summer solstice, sivan, as written by kohenet dr. harriette wimms, is a "time of preparation & the excitement of receiving. it is a month of weaving & joining : the lovers entwined in tarot and the blended art of the chariot & prophetess- a vision that combines the past, present, and future in one. this month is about the weaving of time and generations." we're asked to position ourselves, our love, & our changes within our larger cosmic existence to trust that we are "the seed sown, the prayer whispered, and the sweet unfolding of time.” we break generational cycles & heal ancestral lineages by witnessing our truth, through change, beyond time.

kohenet wimms ties time travel & divine reception also to shavuot : a holy day of revelation that follows 50 days of counting the omer- a kabbalistic practice of mindfulness, presence, & finding belonging & equilibrium within the tree of life.

“jewish mythology tells us that all jews who ever existed were standing at sinai to receive the prophecy that is torah. shavuot commemorates this day when we celebrate the receiving of the tree of life and the first fruits of the season, [...] the gifts of torah, connections, & preparedness : past, present, and future in the moment of shavuot, together at the base of mt. sinai, we braid communities, through the generations, to receive torah. just as we crown the torah, shavuot wants us to know that our dreams can be received through the richness of self sovereignty and the sweetness of becoming.”

all gemini season i've been thinking about love. about timing, dreams, receiving, time travel, & self sovereignty : this sweetness of becoming.

in tarot, gemini is the lovers; two people surrounded by apple orchards and mountains as the sky opens up above them. fire & wind caress the leaves of the trees. the lovers are mirrors. they grow through opening & witnessing the truth in one another.

in jewish tradition, apples symbolize love, sacredness, & divinity.

dori midnight teaches that "in the zohar, god is a tree & we are the apples, god is also an orchard & we are the trees; they are a horticulturist, and we, the trees. like trees, we are earth bound beings arching towards mystery.”

on tu b'av, the jewish holiday of love, we write a lover's name onto apple slices using honey, then exchange & eat them. the sweetness of becoming here is an ancient, millennia-old ritual: the hope & sovereignty of giving, receiving, naming, devouring.

as an aquarius stellium, i've always felt deep kinship and gratitude for the geminis and sagittarians in my life. gemini is the storyteller and creative: a vibrant bridge between worlds and thoughts through play, dreams, and curiosity.

sagittarius is the archer: a sign that looks with sensitivity, aims tentatively, yet targets & moves with precision.

like aquarians, this axis moves through the present by feeling into the future. by thinking in terms of longevity, making plans, setting things in stone, honoring foresight.

gemini & sagittarius love moving in community, braiding people together with dreams for the future they're creating. in this way, like the lovers, temperance, and chariot, and like the time-traveling miracles of shavuot, they steer and bridge time. they ask for a future of wildfire. of speaking life & love into existence. they are the many promises and hopes of tomorrow: of longevity, time, aim, trying.

during gemini season a sagittarius full moon speaks to longevity in community- the ways we speak & love into knowingness. the ways our curiosity creates new worlds & our storytelling births into existence new ways of being. sagittarius is the fire that roars and spreads through the forests of time, space, and distance.

sometimes this feels out of control- but control is wishful thinking. some things are not meant to be controlled: fate, life, love, loved ones.

even with water or in controlled settings, we can't suppress fire. fire is the experience of passion and exponential birth. of jupiterian expansion. of wildness and ceaseless unfolding. the archer looks, watches, waits, perches, and then moves with all intention, focus, and heat. similar to the archer, the lovers know that to control love or timing is futile. like fire, love is meant to be felt, seen, honored, spread. it's meant to be given & received, felt with warmth, witnessed with awe.

it dawns with brilliance and it sets, too : but always with the promise and hope of future. of returning like sunrise.

the sagittarius//gemini axis is about knowing who we are.

the other night i saw the artist laraaji outdoors as sun set & moon rose. he said life is about moving in a direction so that we never dilute ourselves, our needs, our truths. that we can say goodbye for now in order to say hello forever. that like our love, we are eternal. we are meant to encompass and move towards eternity.

this axis reminds us that sometimes our truths don't make sense to others in the present- but they don't need to. i watched the moon hide behind storm clouds & also emerge into clarity, focus, intention. the clouds don't change the moon. even when hidden, she's still there; glowing, hopeful. waiting for the right timing.

we're all learning who we are. but we have so much to learn from gemini & sagittarian pointedness, direction, & playful intensity. like air feeding flame they create their own vastness by knowing themselves & urging others to do the same. this kind of knowingness is courage. courage to move into the future from present, into unknown from known. this, too, is time travel.

even if we don't have anyone in our lives who understand these parts of ourselves- or who can provide our needs and safeties in relationship- the courage & dedication to self knowingness creates trust in a future when we find people who do.

this is a hope-filled commitment towards uncompromised truth.

hope is time travel too.

many of us at this moment in our earthly existence are a part of the generations of pluto in scorpio or sagittarius (1983-2008).

scorpionic death, shedding, transformation, & rebirth within dying power structures & institutions makes way for the archers to perch, wait, dream, and then aim and create new life.

to love & understand ourselves first, foremost, and deeply, is to create a world of overbrimming possibility, play, and trust with the capacity to even more profoundly love those around us. this is liberation. this is what brings revolution and resistance. this is wildfire. this is fire & wind in the trees. this is the breath of life.

this is how we create Olam haBa & dream the world to come into being. there is no compromise in places of such knowingness. it's a deep power & truth some aren't always ready for. to move with knowingness despite fear of unknowingness- or being misunderstood- is some of the truest courage i've ever witnessed. they teach us how to exist through existing. they teach us what we collectively need by showing us their needs interpersonally. sometimes this is mistaken as their being detached, unfeeling, aloof, cutting, or chaotic. like air and fire, sometimes they are.but it's always based in the fervent, earnest search for truth.

for honest communication. for a way of living that truly supports them, and in turn, our collective. this is the meaning and luminosity of this month's full moon: the commitment to knowing ourselves, what we need and deserve, & to continuously showing up to understand more of that truth. if we know that god is change, maybe we can allow ourselves to greet change and truth with ease, play, & honor.

an anarchist writing on love passed to me recently delves into the beautiful distinction between free and romantic love.

this distinction inherently ties into the future we're creating

rooted in hope, abundance, & liberation:

"i have enough confidence in what you are to know that your being will always be dear to me because it is wonderfully unique and irreplaceable. life without you would not be impossible, it would be terribly more empty and grey.

as a life always and only with you would be cruel to me. but there is an unstable equilibrium between our promise,

that sense of eternity, and our desires for somewhere else and for freedom. that equilibrium is our desire to love each other.”

may we all find power through mercurial gemini's emphasis on communicating our hopes into existence, & in jupiterian sagittarius' patience & intention for expanse. may we weave the present into the future through creation & trust, as both ask us to invest in equilibrium as well as eternity. may we all grow in these forms of time travel, braiding love, divine receiving, & self-soveriegnty.


iyar: scorpio lunar eclipse & taurus season