the full moon in taurus and powerful lunar eclipse marks the midway point of the hebrew month of kislev;

a month of liminal space, mystery, shapeshifting, rebirth.

the dark, still waters of scorpio pull us deeper towards what is felt viscerally despite being hidden. we're called to find comfort within discomfort, wisdom within lessons. we stare deep into the water for healing & reflection.

the sister signs of taurus and scorpio together reveal the power of fixed energy; the grounded doers and sharers of visions. the planting of ideas. like trees rooted & intertwined in the swamp marshes, we find our interconnectedness through mutual support, foundations, stability. our life is created in community with the earth, & with each other.

water is life. it gives life and can take it away. scorpio is what must fall away, release, & die in order to fertilize the earth & soil of our bodies and spirit to rebirth & create anew. our bodies are made from water, we are birthed from water. in these moments of deep change, we can look to the chasmic water for the stability we crave; as reconciliation, renewal, regulation.

"the luminous darkness is the place of both death & birth."

the taurus & scorpio axis is one of trust. trust is required through any transformation; any life cycles of birth, death, & rebirth. plutonian scorpio emphasizes what our souls must passionately express & birth in our lifetimes, while venusian taurus grounds us by reminding us that we can see and feel spirit, ancestors, & soul as present in everything we connect with on this material plane.

kohenet Rae Abileah writes in ”Verdant Dreams of Olam haBa, the World to Come 5782,” that:

”at the end of this month, we begin to light chanukah candles. this year, light candles as a practiced of illuminating the darkness, calling attention to all that lives just beyond the limited light of the tiny candles. before our eight day festival of lights is over, we transition into tevet. kislev kisses the in-between.

Kislev is derived from the Babylonian month kissilimu. some believe it comes from kesel as in hope-- hope for winter rains-- and other hear kislev & think of the hebrew word kis, 'pocket,' and lev, 'heart.'

whether you're preparing for travels into inner dreamscapes, (em)bracing for winter ahead, or about to set off for faraway places, your journey may be well-supported by a travel altar, a 'pocket of the heart' to tend to your hopes and fears."


chanuka: excerpts, reflections, words, dreams, & possibilities. 11.28.2021
