adar ii: pisces season & full moon in virgo 3.17.2022
the pisces and virgo axis is the axis of heaven & earth.
the thin seam of horizon where earth and universe touch;
a portal where liminality finds gentle, tactile presence.
now at the end of pisces season, we approach the cusp of aries season; the (re)birth of the world, of spring, renewal, life.
in turn, we reach our climax, our fullness, the crest of our collective wave, with the beautiful full moon in virgo, taking place at 3am EST. virgo is the grounding between realities; the planting of seeds within the new worlds we are envisioning & birthing into creation. this is the axis of ethereal ritual, of the innermost hum of belonging.
virgo helps us locate & instill boundaries while pisces asks us to soften & dissolve them. virgo brings rootedness & distills piscean dreamscapes into clarity, & shapes piscean illusion into the groundwork of the pathways we walk.
there is a divine orchestration and planning intimately shown through the energy of virgo; the ritual of repetition, the organized chaos that links together every micro & macrocosm on our earth and within our cosmos through pattern, feeling, fractal.
virgos are curators of bonds, helpers of hearts, weavers of the gorgeous earthly & divine tapestry. the virgos in my life are messengers of belonging; deep friendships who cultivate closeness by bringing souls together. their sight is a gift. they carefully choose threads of connection and braid them together with the utmost care and tenderness. if the virgo // pisces axis is felt as a portal, pisces energy is the voice and call reaching to us, asking for our faith as we step, while virgo is the step we take towards and through it.
the rhythm as we continue moving forward.
in tarot, virgo energy is represented by the hermit; a being of patience, introspection, thoroughness. although virgo does so much deep work for the collective, they also remind us to take a step back. that to pour into ourselves is to pour into others; to invest in ourselves is to invest in the world; to know ourselves is to create from infinite possibility something that is unique, tessellated- separate yet intricately entwined in community, ecosystem, & the vast, labyrinth-like network of humanity, nature, spirit, belonging.
virgo is mutable earth; ever-shifting and moving yet ever-present and rooted. ever-dignified in this miracle of existence. the epitome of octavia butler's ”all that you touch you Change. all that you Change Changes you. the only lasting truth is Change. God is Change.”
that there is rootedness in Change.
to honor the beauty of virgo energy through the lens of pisces season is like looking at earth's divinity in detail with love & reverence. we take a step back as the hermit, and gaze from the throne of the high priestess above and between the realms.
she gazes at the ocean & sky kissing at the horizon, witnesses archipelagos & waterways on earth from space. virgo & pisces energy helps us see more deeply a representation of spirit in presence; through roots, trees, oceans, mountains. the connectedness of forests with the pathways in our brain, the ways rivers lead to oceans like our nervous & circulatory systems lead to our head and heart. the ways that we mimic the earth and earth mimics us. the fractals present simply through our existence, our being.
in Verdant Dreams of Olam HaBa, Rebecca Goldschmidt writes about rainbows ”as a brilliant gift that mirror the joy and illusory nature of Adar. the rain soaks the red earth & brings green delight to surrounding mountainsides, forest floors of ferns, cliffsides terraced with endemic & introduced plants alike. tree canopies stretch out after heavy downpours & streams gush into the ocean. the world emerges anew. rainbows reveal a dance between light & water, a portal to the divine only visible from a particular vantage point. [...] rainbows guide us into the unknown without trepidation.”
may we all find courage to step like virgo through these portals with piscean softness, and find faith, presence, and awe as we move through this liminal space into earth's energetic rebirth on the equinox.
special honoring of bubba dora, the pisces matriarch of my family!
images are of the mergui archipelago from space. the archipelago is made up of nearly 800 islands and extensive coral reefs in the southernmost reaches of Burma, along the border of Thailand, in the Andaman sea. largely indigenous populations of the archipelago have helped preserve its high diversity of plants and animals.